Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving Morning: Sore Muscles and a Full Heart

I woke up EARLY on Thanksgiving morning excited to run the New Cumberland SMT Turkey Trot with family and friends. But when I woke up, I almost had to roll myself out of bed. I was SORE (I did reverse lungs with Derek at Tuesday's training session and my legs were fighting back)!

As I rolled myself out of bed (slowly), I realized that my sore muscles were actually something to be THANKFUL for (just don't tell Derek that I said that)! Here's why...

1. I still have the ability to move, dance, squat, walk, and run. And as I've said before, that is definitely something to be thankful for! Many cannot - and it's important to keep that in mind every time I lace up my sneakers to head out for a run or a Zumba class. Check out 4D and read about Jeff Fazio's story - he ran 50 5K's in 50 states in one year - all in support of those that can't run.
"Who was I to question a second lap when so many don't even have the option of attempting the first one?" Jeff Fazio
 2. After a year filled with a good bit of stress and some extra pounds gained, some post-workout soreness means I'm still in the battle. I'm not where I want to be, but darn it, I'm still in the fight! And that's important to remember. Remember this quote from Rocky?
"Going in one more round when you don't think you can - that's what makes all the difference in your life." Rocky Balboa 
 3. My legs may be sore, but my heart is FULL! Even with my jelly legs, I made it to the Turkey Trot and shared those three miles with an amazing group of friends and family. And as we ate our post-race pumpkin pie, I was reminded to be THANKFUL for the company I share along the course (in the Turkey Trot and in life)!

What are you thankful for this year? Share in the comments below! 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Soaringwords: Bringing Zumba to Hershey Children's Hospital

One of the things I love most about being a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor is that I am provided with an instant, portable gift that I give to others. I'm not crafty, and I certainly can't cook (an understatement). But I CAN use my skills as a Zumba Fitness instructor to bring physical activity, laughter, and JOY to others! All I need to do is grab some music and a few friends, and I'm ready to... 
  • Host a Zumbathon charity event for great organizations like the ALS Association, American Cancer Society, and National MS Society or for local families in need. We host a lot of these in the Central PA area, and I think it's such a great way to meet and collaborate with other instructors, meet new students, and raise money for a good cause at the same time. 
  • Help a girl scout troop earn their next badge. Last year I was invited to teach a Zumba Kids class to a local troop, and it was a BLAST! We danced, played games, and laughed (a lot)! At the end of the class, the girls even performed a Zumba song with their own choreography! 
  • Teach a Zumba Gold class at a nursing home or other residential facility. ZIN Linda Woodin organizes monthly classes at Paxton Ministries (a residential facility for adults with social, mental, or emotional needs). It's impossible to not have an amazing time doing this! Guaranteed that the entire room leaves with a smile!

At the Zumba Instructor Convention in August I learned about another way to help... I found out about a collaboration between Zumba Fitness and New York-based non-profit, Soaringwords

As part of this new program, licensed Zumba instructors visit children's hospitals across the country and teach free classes to the kids and families staying there. With the Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital so class to us, it seemed like a natural fit. Another one of my Zumba "sisters", Linda Woodin, had the same idea, and we decided to team up to try to get this program rolling here in PA!

Some of my favorite Zumba Education Specialists (like ZES Richard Gormley!) are already actively involved in the program. I love hearing him talk about the JOY he is able to bring to the kids that he meets!
"I look forward to teaching my monthly classes at Children’s Hospital. Seemingly healthy children and those hooked up to IVs join the fun, some in wheelchairs, all ready to dance. These are regular kids who just want to DANCE and have FUN. We have the pleasure of delivering joy. The joy spreads and follows them back to their rooms and changes the perspective life of those present forever!” - Richard Gormley, Zumba Education Specialist

November 11. 2014 - Initial Meeting!
Time to get started! Earlier this month we had our initial meeting with the team at the Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital, Sarah Miller & Ashley Kane. We talked about logistics (class format, location, sound system), paperwork (Soaringwords instructor agreement, photo release forms, etc.), and scheduling. The best part? We tentatively set a date for our FIRST CLASS - January 13, 2015! 

Look for additional posts about Soaringwords, Zumba, and the Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital in January! I can't wait to share updates as we get closer to our first class! 

Local to Central PA and want to join us? Contact me or Linda!

Want to start a Soaringwords + Zumba Fitness program in your area? If you are a licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor, you can learn more at 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lessons From My Grandfather: Remembering Glenn Helt

This morning I found out my grandfather, Glenn "Paw-Paw" Helt, passed peacefully at the Harrisburg Hospital. As we begin to say our goodbyes, I couldn't help but think of all that I have learned from the Helt family patriarch. I thought it would be fitting to share a few of those lessons here.


Be good stewards. Paw-Paw always taught me to take care of what I've been given. End the end of a painting project, he was fastidious in cleaning his brushes. When the dishwasher stopped working, he tried to repair it before buying a new one. In a world where it's often easier to throw things away or buy it new - he valued and cared for what he had. He lived simply, and because of that, he always had everything he needed. A great philosophy to follow. 

Get 'er done. Nothing stopped Paw-Paw. Even after complications with his back surgery last year, we could find him painting floors in the basement or climbing counters to change a light bulb. Definitely one of the toughest guys I know. How many times do we tell ourselves that we "can't" do something? Guess what - we are lying to ourselves. He showed me that mental tenacity can outweigh physical "limitations" every single time. Truly, if there's a will, there's a way. 

Appreciate your family.  Every time we visited my grandfather, he said thank you. He was so appreciative of our visit and our time. He never took family for granted, and I love that about him. It's a wonderful reminder for us to appreciate those who are around us. How long has it been since you've called your mom? How about visit your grandma? Do it! It means so much!

Enjoy life. One of my favorite memories of my grandfather was at our hunting camp. Every summer we traveled as a family: grandparents, parents, cousins, and eventually spouses and children. A few years ago, Paw-Paw took us on a lengthy hike. I don't remember the exact distance, but it really felt FAR! At the end of the hike we returned, out-of breath and exhausted, to the camp. But Paw-Paw was absolutely unaffected. He took a seat on the porch, popped open a beer, and was completely content. I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. How many times do we allow ourselves to just enjoy life like that? We work so hard in life, but sometimes all we really should be doing is drinking a beer on the porch with those we love the most.

Thank you Paw-Paw Helt for the many wonderful lessons and memories you have given me. You will be missed. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Fear, Freddy Krueger, and My New Job

We talk about FEAR a lot around Halloween. We watch scary movies with terrifying baddies like Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, and Freddy Krueger. We take haunted hayrides and are "attacked" by Leatherface. Over and over again, we enjoy the thrill of adrenaline as we are faced with the frightening images inspired by our nightmares. Fear can be fun!

My "scary" Zumba class at our annual Halloween party!
But just like Freddy Krueger pops into the nightmares of his victims unannounced, fear can do the same to us. It can creep into our lives when we least expect it - and it can get the best of us if we don't keep it in check.

Last week I accepted a new position as Activities Director at Central Penn College - a position I've wanted for a number of years. For the first few days, I was excited. But then it happened... FEAR crept in. Suddenly that adrenaline-pumping fun was gone - and in its place I found SELF-DOUBT.

I think sometimes CHANGE can be the Freddy Krueger of the professional world. Even in positive circumstances (like moving into my new position as Activities Director), we find ourselves fearful of leaving the familiar that surrounds us. I love my current co-workers, my office, my student workers. And I'm deliberately leaving them for the UNKNOWN (cue panic).

What if it's different than what I expected?
What if I can't do what I'm asked to do? 
What if I fail? 

But I can't let fear win. This is what I've been dreaming of! So in order to subdue my panic and fightback against Freddy, I reminded myself of the following:

1. While earning my Master's degree, I studied under the best! Incredible leaders in the field of Student Affairs: Dr. Jan Arminio, Dr. Shirley Hess, Dr. Marcy Douglass, Dr. Ford Brooks, and the rest of the Counseling team at Shippensburg University. I can't express how much the program changed my life (and changed me). 
2. While working as Coordinator of Student Life and Multicultural Programs at HACC, I had supervisors and colleagues that were willing to take the time to teach me! I have had incredible professional experiences thanks to Lynette Vogelsang, Lisa Cleveland, Jeff Fazio, Michael Sandy (and many more) during my time at HACC
3. College students are pretty awesome! As a student, I remember our Activities Director and SGA advisor - Linton "Bones" Saurman - telling us how he loved young people! His passion for students and for Student Life inspired me to consider higher ed as a career, and now I can't imagine being anywhere else. 
When I think of the things above, the self-doubt disappears and that positive, adrenaline-pumping excitement returns. I know I'm going where I need to be!

My point? Don't let fear hold you back! Re-count your successes and celebrate each one! We CAN be all that we are dreaming of (as long as we kick Freddy OUT of those dreams)! 

Share what YOU are dreaming of in the comments below!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Healthy Fast Food & My Future Franchise?

On Monday I traveled to a college fair in Horsham, PA. I always love visiting Hatboro-Horsham High School - easy drive, a super friendly guidance counselor, and of course I get to stop at one of my favorite places for lunch!

On my first trip to Horsham I passed a sign advertising "Healthy Fast Food." Curiosity (and disbelief) led me inside the restaurant. Could it be? Was there a healthy alternative to those other fast food chains?

What I found was Bryn and Dane's.

Bryn and Dane's is a reformatted version of "fast food." They call it a FAST FOOD REVOLUTION. The food is locally sourced, everything is lo-cal, and the business is operated sustainably. Of course, I LOVED IT based on these things alone! Then between the banana wraps (with granola and agave nectar - yum) and the sweet potato fries, I WAS SOLD!

Since that day I've been trying to convince my husband that we should buy a franchise (He's a tough sell, so we'll call that a work in progress)! And who's going to assist me in this venture? Well, my sis and bro, Rita and Arlen (of course)!

What I think I love most about Bryn and Dane's is that the founder, Bryn Davis, is able to use his restaurant to promote his passion for health and wellness (read more). It's a wonderful thing when your professional goals align so perfectly with your greater purpose!
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.  
Mark Twain 
Although I may never own a Bryn and Dane's franchise, I do know that I'm determined to find a similar sense of connection between my career and my purpose. I know I want to make a difference in the lives of others. I'm lucky enough to have two amazing outlets to do that - my job at Central Penn College and my role as a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor. With both, I get to watch my students accomplish their goals, and it is AWESOME!

What about you? How does YOUR profession fuel your purpose? Post your thoughts below!

#fastfoodrevolution #healthyfastfood #zumbafitness #zumbalove #bethechange