Saturday, October 5, 2013

About (almost) giving up…

Recently: My brother-in-law found out he has ALS. The budget for the diversity committee didn’t get approved. I caught someone littering in the car in front of me. I watched the news and learned about suicide bombings, government shutdowns, and what McDonald’s chicken nuggets are really made of. I got coffee at the gas station in a disposable cup and I used too many paper towels in the restroom.

For me, my biggest goal is to make a difference in this world (It may be vague, but it’s the truth). And all of this bad news made me ponder if what I’d been dreaming of (you know, simple things like reaching my goal weight, becoming a Zumba superstar, and inspiring millions to join in the fight for the greater good) would even matter.

So I skipped my morning workout session with my trainer, Derek. The next day I didn’t bother to run, and I had a second helping of that delicious salty caramel ice cream. And day after day, I started to get familiar with the status quo. My dreams got smaller, and my pants got tighter.

It took the trainer’s “tough love” to remind me that status quo isn’t what I’m after. I want the “uncommon life” where our biggest dreams are not only possible, but plausible. Yes, there are roadblocks, obstacles, sad news, loss. And there are those who will say that what we’re doing is futile. But among the naysayers, there are others who will prove them wrong - Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Theresa, and now… US. Me and you.

Us. Absolutely. So let’s embrace each day, encourage each other, hug each other, love each other, and be each other’s cheerleaders. Together, we can be so much more than we ever thought possible.

Are you ready to live an “uncommon life?” How will you begin?