Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Snake Charmers?

Me and Rita: Currently in a pickle!
The Thoman boys have yet again put me and my sister-in-law Rita in what I consider to be a very big pickle!

In June, Team Perry will be participating in the WALK TO DEFEAT ALS. This will be our first time participating in this event since Perry's diagnosis (and since he lost his battle this January). In memory of Perry, we set a very high fundraising goal. Three of the sister-in-laws wanted to hit the "Extra Mile Club" (meaning that we each raised $1000).

I hit the goal earlier this year thanks to the amazing generosity of my Central Penn College family and friends. Kelly hit her goal this month (thank you Ted Watson!). So last night, Team Perry plotted on how Rita could raise the remaining amount to reach her goal.

Leave it to the Thoman boys to come up with an idea that BOTH of us hated!

HERE'S THE DEAL: Rita and I are officially in a fundraising competition until next Friday (the deadline for the Extra Mile Club). Whoever raises the LEAST will have to put a SNAKE around their neck during our visit to Lake Tobias this summer! 

Initially I imagine a scene where I channel my inner-Britney and totally befriend the snake (and look pretty darn cool in the process!). Then reality kicks in, and I know it's going to be a little more like that famous scene from Psycho.

My only solution - I need to WIN! So for the next two weeks, I'm on fundraising overdrive! Donations on MY PAGE will get Rita closer to that snake! But donations on HER PAGE will count against me. So skip the Starbucks this week, and make a $5 or $10 (or more) donation! You'll get to torment me and Rita AND help find a cure for ALS!

Don't worry - when the big scene goes down, I'll be sure to post lots of pics/videos on this blog! 


  1. Love this! I'll definitely make sure that I donate to keep you away from those snakes!! And for a good cause. :-)
