Friday, September 5, 2014

Yo, Adrienne!: Cunniff Edition

“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.” 

Where it all began! Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region. 
When we meet someone new, we don't know where that connection will lead or how our lives might change. It could be the new student in our Zumba class, the person that sits next to us at the staff meeting, or a fellow volunteer. But one thing is certain... we will never be the same from that point forward. 

In 2006 I applied to be a Big Sister through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. I was matched with a very tall 12-year-old "Little" named Vicky (who was probably a foot higher than me since the day I met her)! She was smart, creative, and talented! Together we would throw birthday parties for my dog, make cupcakes for the band's bake sale, and talk about the Harry Potter books (which I read just for her)!

Vicky's sister, Jessica, was also in the program and was matched to a Big named Nicki. Nicki came from Iowa and had endless optimism and a huge heart - she's impossible not to love! As a foursome, we'd take our Littles to corn mazes and bowling outings.

It wasn't long before our Big/Little adventures expanded to include my husband (Shawn) and Nicki's boyfriend (Andrew).  We went to football games at the high school (and later Kutztown U), weekend trips to Lake Raystown, dinners at Chili's, adventures at the Farm Show, and more - We created an extended Big Brothers Big Sisters family!

Celebrating with Mr. and Mrs. Cunniff!
This past weekend, we gathered again for a very special occasion. Nicki and Andrew got married! It's funny how people "randomly" come into your life. Without BBBS, we would have never met Nicki and Andrew. Yet in the few years that we've know them, they have become amazing friends.

On our best days, we shared laughs and snapchats over margaritas. On our worst days, they were cutting the line at Perry's funeral to give us hugs when we needed them most (a gesture I will never forget).

There is an old poem that says that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. On Saturday we watched two friends become husband and wife. Of course we're claiming the Cunniff's for the "lifetime" category, but we know they've already impacted us for forever.

To the newlyweds: Nicki and Andrew, CONGRATULATIONS! You were made for each other, and it meant so much to share in your best day ever! We are wishing you a beautiful life together (and we can't wait to visit you in New York)!

Who has touched your life in an unexpected way? Share it here - Then share your comment with them! 

Trash Pickup on the Puggy Thoman Highway

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