Monday, January 21, 2019

Learning from the Best...

Hello January!

The new year is here, and so is the 6th annual Lose It For Lou Gehrig's Wellness Challenge.

For the first 6 weeks of every year I run an informal wellness challenge with friends and family to raise funds for the ALS Association - a tradition since my brother-in-law, Perry, was diagnosed with ALS in 2013. 

Each week I create a bonus challenge worth 50 points (which can be a big boost to our scores if we achieve the mission). This week each competitor was asked to pick their top weakness when it comes to health and wellness – AND find a solution! How? By reaching out to someone who has already conquered it!

When designing this bonus challenge, I thought specifically about lessons learned from Tony Robbins (I was lucky enough to see him live in November). When Tony talks about achieving mastery in any area, he puts a lot of emphasis on reaching out to learn directly from the best! Talk to the people who have not only done it, but NAILED it! Learn how they did it, then do the same!

So what weakness did I pick to tackle? Consistency.

Right now we are in the throws of the challenge, so I've been able to keep my focus. Healthy lunches are getting backed, pizza is getting ignored, and I'm spending lots of quality time with my running shoes. But I'm already nervous about when the challenge ends. How do I take the habits I've built and ingrain them into my daily life? 

It was time for me to learn directly from the best! I thought of some of the fitness-oriented folks I know who have truly made fitness and health a part of their lifestyle, and reached out to learn their secrets!

Here are the top tips they shared... 

CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. Lindy's top tips focused on mindset. One biggie... thinking about healthy habits as just that - a habit - NOT something that I "have to" do or that I'm being selfish for doing. She shared, "When I don’t [exercise] I actually feel like I’m missing something in my day." In terms of food, she encouraged making small changes one at a time (instead of a compete diet overhaul). "I think [making small changes] is key to continuing to eat healthfully and mindfully for life versus just a short period for a diet." But what happens when I eat a few too many Thin Mints? She says, "I also think not having the all-or-nothing mentality is key... Just because you mess up one day doesn’t mean you can’t ever get back on track again." 
Lindy Lissner (Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer, Gold's Gym Linglestown)

DO SOMETHING THAT SUCKS EVERY DAY. Jim's message was one about discipline and really controlling the stimuli around you. He shared, "90% of the time we listen to the [voice] that’s telling us it’s okay eat that extra slice of pizza or not to exercise today. A disciplined mind will ignore that voice 90% of the time. That’s the difference." He suggests mapping out my food and nutrition for the entire week, and compared it to following instructions at work or school. At the start of my week, I write down those instructions and then I follow them! One final tip that I loved? "Do one thing everyday that sucks (that you don’t like doing). It will keep you true and honest with yourself." Worth a watch: 
Jim Wix (Personal Trainer, Precision Training Concepts)

GO THE DISTANCE. Nate suggested focusing on continued effort - not perfection. "You aren’t perfect!... There will be times you eat great and times you mess up, but... Messing up just gives you another chance to try again! And as long as you continue to try and never quit you will reach your end goal." He also compared our wellness journeys to a marathon (not a sprint). We should celebrate our small accomplishments along the way, and use those smaller accomplishments as fuel to propel us to keep going! One final idea that I'm going to put into place... Nate shared, "I write my visual goals out and hang them in my bathroom so when I wake up to brush my teeth that is a constant reminder of what I’m working towards!" 
Nate Offer (Master Trainer, Strong by Zumba)

FIND MY TRIBE. According to Kindra, "Having a little community of liked minded people helps a lot. People who will drink and eat chips and pizza with you (and make you feel no shame) and then turn around and rock high fat low carb Monday to Friday." I agree! It's awesome when the people around us help us to be the best versions of ourselves! She also stressed the importance of knowing your body - What makes it feel good? What doesn't? She shared, "I stopped thinking of food from a size/weight perspective and more from a do-I-feel-yucky-on-the-inside perspective."

Kindra McMillan (Co-Owner of The Studio, Zumba and Strong by Zumba Instructor)

So many great tips to help me build consistency and make health and wellness a permanent part of my lifestyle! THANK YOU Lindy, Jim, Nate, and Kindra! 

What tips spoke to you? Have any great tips of your own? Share them in the comments!

*Side note: You can read more about Perry and past wellness challenges at the following links: 2014 (year 1) and 2015 (year 2).