Monday, June 23, 2014

Happy Birthday, Nanny Lou!

My aunt, Nancy Motter, just turned 85! To celebrate, we took Nan to two of her favorite places... Lunch at Red Lobster followed by shopping at the Coach Outlet! Ladies' day out!

Mother, Daughter, and Aunt! Selfie at Red Lobster!
Lunch with my family is never dull. It usually involves someone spilling something, making fun of my mom for asking for extra condiments "to go," and laughing at funny stories - heaven help us if the meal involves fortune cookies (but I'll save that story for another day)!

Sunday was no different, and as we passed those irresistible cheddar bay biscuits around the table, I realized how lucky I am to have the family that I do! 

When I was little, Nan took me to the Smithsonian, she gave me my first subscription to National Geographic magazine, and signed me up for summer classes at the State Museum. She took me on my first college visit to Penn State's main campus (my Uncle's alma mater), and I KNEW that I would go to college someday, too!

She supported me through undergrad and later grad school - and spent many (many) hours making sure I completed my master's thesis (When it was finally done, she was the first person to read it)! I am truly the person I am today because of HER!

You can't just say thank you for that - it doesn't quite sum it up. So what can we do to honor the birthday of someone so important? Ask the waiter if he can sing for her (what else??)!!! 

She was hoping we wouldn't do it, but she is definitely worth celebrating. We couldn't let her off the hook! Check out the video below to see Nan's special moment. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAN!!!

"The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday."  Paris Hilton

Monday, June 16, 2014

How Zumba Love Will Save the World

Looking for a solution to the world's problems? You won't find it in a board room or office! If you want to see where real change happens, start looking on the DANCE FLOOR!

With our love, we could save the world. 
George Harrison

Sunday afternoon we gathered at the Halifax Ambulance Building for TIED TO THE CAUSE: AN ACS BENEFIT CLASS. Our mission? To raise funds for the American Cancer Society on behalf of our Relay For Life team, Z Cats (can you guess what the Z stands for?).

So what did these Zumba divas do to raise money for a cause they are passionate about? They grabbed their ties, straightened their mustaches, and DANCED! But this wasn't the first time they showed their ZUMBA LOVE...

When the church that hosted our Zumba classes held a drive for plastic bags, they brought them by the carload so that blankets could be make for the homeless. When one student's brother was diagnosed with cancer, they make donations and attended fundraisers in support of the family. When my own family was struck with ALS, they showed immense caring and concern (and they still do)! THEY INSPIRE ME!!

And here is something amazing to consider... 

According to, over 14 million people a week in 150+ countries attend Zumba dance-fitness classes.

Imagine the cumulative power that 14 million Zumba students have! 14 million! Think we can't make a difference? YOU'RE WRONG! Sunday's Zumba benefit class is proof! And we represent just a small battalion in our neon-colored ZUMBA ARMY!

Let's work CHUGETHER (that's a shout out to Zumba's founder, Beto Perez), show our ZUMBA LOVE, and CHANGE THE WORLD! I know just where to start...  I hope you'll join me on the DANCE FLOOR!

 #zumba #chugether #zumbalove #bethechange

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Come On Baby, Light My Fire

"A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle."

This was a busy weekend! On Saturday, Team Perry united in Hershey to participate in the Walk to Defeat ALS. We've been planning and fundraising for this event for almost a year, and Saturday we walked two miles together in honor and in memory of our brother Perry. Thanks to a certain snake bet, we were proud to have three "Extra Mile Club" members on our team (each raising over $1,000 for the ALS Association).

This weekend was also the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Greater Harrisburg. For 24 hours, our Central Penn College admissions team took turns walking and running the track for one purpose - to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

Both events made me think about the power of working together toward a common goal.

Picture a candle... a single, solitary flame. Alone, it doesn't seem like much. What can that little flicker of light accomplish? Not much, right?

Yet one single flame can ignite something awe-inspiring.

In preparation for both the ALS Walk and Relay For Life, I saw a fire spread. Each of us represented a single flame, burning our own little light. But when we worked together, we became a force to be reckoned with! Over $3,000 raised for the ALS Association, over $1,000 raised for the American Cancer Society, and two teams "fired up" for their causes.

And it didn't stop there...

  • Central Penn College Student Ambassadors, Circle K, and Colleges Against Cancer raised funds for both causes. 
  • Central Penn faculty, staff, and students ate walking tacos, sold candles, and bought subs.
  • My Admissions "siblings" generously contributed (They even made me a super-sized check to present their donations).
  • My Zumba family helped to organize an incredible Zumbathon at Progress Fitness.
  • My family and friends made donations in an attempt to spare me from that horrible snake (that didn't turn out as well as I hoped!)
  • and so many more!

Just like that, our single little flame began to grow. We became a FORCE - unstoppable - steadily inching closer to our common goals. A new treatment for ALS? A cure for cancer? It all becomes possible when we work together. So what's our next step? Let's LIGHT THINGS UP!

Are you ready to turn your candlelight into a bonfire? What cause are you passionate about and who can you share your fire with? 

#BeTheChange #NoDayButToday 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Colleges Against Cancer: The Fight Goes Poolside!

There is nothing cooler than college students with a cause!

It was one year ago that a group of Central Penn College students joined together to form Colleges Against Cancer, a nationally recognized club designed to further the mission of the American Cancer Society (I serve as club advisor along with Lindsay Knapp).

A number of students had lost parents, grandparents, and other loved ones to cancer - and they wanted to do something to fight back. They began to envision a fun poolside event designed to increase cancer awareness and raise funds for the cause. They called it LUAU 2014.

In anticipation of LUAU 2014, the club had to work through a long "to do" list: They held weekly meetings, developed a budget, organized fundraisers, created fliers, reserved equipment, ordered food, found a DJ (Thanks Zach!), solicited donations, and more. And they did it all while balancing schoolwork, internships, jobs, and family.

Ashley and Brittany at the mic
This past weekend, their vision of LUAU 2014 became reality. And it's events like this one that remind me of why I love working in higher education - because I get to watch students learn and grow as new leaders (it's truly awesome to see!).

President Brittany was terrified to speak in front of crowds, yet she took the mic for her welcome address! This was also had her first experience serving as a club officer (she did GREAT!).

Wobble, baby, wobble...
Treasurer Austin kept our accounts in order and developed our event budget. He was also our GRILL MASTER at the luau!

Zach mixed some awesome beats for us as DJ (he even threw in a few Miley Cyrus songs for me)! PS: to Bachelle - You still need to teach me the Jersey Shuffle!!

The Luminaria Ceremony
And Vice President Ashley created a beautiful Luminaria Ceremony to honor and remember those affected by cancer. It was so moving to see those bags glowing as each name was read.

Yep, THEY ROCK! Congratulations to all the members of Colleges Against Cancer! Can't wait to see what you accomplish next!

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen Keller
“Teamwork makes the dream work” ― Bang Gae