Fate unfolded for me this week - in the form of Jodi Stuber.
Jodi is one of those super cool gals that rides a motorcycle, runs marathons, practices yoga, and does a ton of great stuff for charities in the area. She even keeps a blog about her adventures, Tiny Thunder Running!
This week she did something I wasn't expecting - she decided to tag me in her blog and ask me to join her in the prAna 30 Days of Yoga Challenge (A YOGA challenge??!! Let's just say balance and relaxation are NOT my strengths!).
And of course, because she IS super cool, she has impeccable timing. It just so happens that this week is ALSO week 5 of the Lose It For Lou Gehrig's Wellness Challenge. And during week 5, we can earn bonus points if we step outside of our comfort zone and try something NEW. Well, a 30 day yoga challenge would certainly qualify!
So here's what I have to do...
- Complete the MadLib below.
- Tag 2 other bloggers to join in the challenge (Rachel and Christina, since you are two of my fave bloggers, TAG - You're It!)
- Join the Facebook Event and Group.
- Share a photo of something yoga related using the #taketheleap #sweatpink #prana hashtags and tagging @prana @FitApproach every day for 30 days (Feb. 2-March 8).
When I think about yoga, the first thought that comes to mind is I NEED TO FIND MY YOGA MAT. Yoga IS PRETTY UNFAMILIAR TO (verb) me and makes me feel LIKE I HAVE A LOT TO LEARN IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS (noun).
That’s why I am so NERVOUS & SUPER EXCITED (YES, AT THE SAME TIME) (adjective) to participate in prAna’s Take The Leap 30 days of Yoga Challenge with Sweat Pink. I plan to MOUNTAIN POSE (YES, I GOOGLED THAT) (yoga pose) my way to a more FOCUSED (adjective) and CENTERED (adjective) 2015!
For me, the biggest challenge when it comes to yoga is BEING STILL. Taking the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink is a great way for me to face/ conquer / achieve / find REALIZE THAT PRODUCTIVITY AND HEALTH CAN BE FOUND IN STILLNESS AND CALM.
My favorite place to yoga is TO BE DETERMINED (noun) because it is so NEW TO ME (adj).
Here’s a photo of me FINDING MY YOGA MAT!
I tag Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media and Christina Wood of 20/30 Enterprises.
I want these fabulous bloggers to share their very best yoga pose photos, this fun madlib and of course, I challenge them to join me on this fun 30 day yoga journey. Come on y’all, Take the Leap with me!
Join prAna’s & Sweat Pink’s #TakeTheLeap 30 Days of Yoga Challenge and be eligible for a chance to win $500 worth of new prAna gear from their latest collection as well as gift an additional $500 worth of prAna gear to the person of their choice... because isn’t giving as important as receiving? They just launched their new Spring Collection so you best get on it!
Join the Take the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink Facebook group / event which we’ll use for updates, sharing,and inspiration: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1525412337742204/and event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/423377431152799
And join the challenge on Instagram, Twitter, and your blog using the hashtags:
And of course, tag @prana @FitApproach
Want to play? Just copy/paste the above and fill in the blanks where I have bolded & italicized and make it your own. Or use this link for the template!
Let's see how this goes! If you happen to be a yogi and can give me some beginners tips, feel free to post them in the comments below!
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