Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Woman of the Year?

For the past few weeks, I've been carrying around this glossy, white folder with the words "Man & Woman of the Year" on the cover. I would leave for work in the morning and throw it in my bag. I would come home at the end of the day and sit the folder next to me. I hoped that by keeping it near me, it would somehow help me to decide how to respond to the challenge that was inside it.

I was given the folder by Ashleigh Pollart, Campaign Manager for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. In it are the details of The Man & Woman of the Year (MWOY) campaign - a fundraising program for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

I was nominated to participate by Cathy Jennings, CPAFE's past president (I was her VP)! Of course it was a huge honor to be nominated, but also kind of scary. You earn votes by collecting dollars - lots of them. It's not unheard of for participants to raise $50,000 or more!

Here are a few of the basics about MWOY: 
  • Ten-week campaign
  • Runs April 1 - June 10 
  • 15 men and women participate in each community 
  • Donations can only be collected within the ten-week period
  • Top male and female fundraisers earn the title
  • Benefits the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

At first I came up with a lot of excuses: I'm too busy. I just started a new job. I don't have the time, the network, the corporate sponsors, the business connections. I'm lucky enough to say that my family hasn't been affected by blood cancers. Why should I get involved? 

Then I thought about my running coach who's son was diagnosed many years ago (his son is now in remission). I thought about a member of my Zumba family who lost her husband just a few years ago, and a CPAFE leader who lost her mom. These are people who I care about whose lives have been changed forever because of blood cancer. Even though the disease wasn't under my roof, it was still all around me. 

Then as I was at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital teaching a Soaringwords + Zumba class to the patients and families, I was given one more sign. This awesome kid in bear paw slippers came up to us and wanted to dance to "Gangnam Style." Of course we obliged. And as he showed off his dance moves, I noticed the t-shirt that his caregiver was wearing - and the words "Fight Leukemia." 

You just can't say no to that. 

So for Larry, Luann, Jessica, and that Gangnam Style kiddo - I say YES. I'm in the running for Woman of the Year - for you, for your families, and for all of the families that have been affected by blood cancer.

Will I win? I don't know. But as it says in my glossy, white folder - EVERYONE WINS WHEN CANCER LOSES. 

So what happens now? Well, I'm going to need lots of help! If you are willing to join my campaign team, hold a fundraiser on my behalf, ask your company for a corporate sponsorship, plan a dress-down day (or any other great idea you have), please let me know. I can't accept any donations until April 1, but we can start planning today! Will you help?

More than 1.1 million Americans are currently living with or in remission from a blood cancer. Every three minutes, someone is diagnosed. Every ten minutes, someone dies from these cancers. They are men, women and children of every race and every age. Learn more at

Monday, February 16, 2015

Worried About Vaginas

“I bet you're worried. I was worried. I was worried about vaginas. I was worried about what we think about vaginas, and even more worried that we don't think about them.” Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues

Happy Valentine's Day! Over the weekend my Facebook feed was filled with pictures of romantic gestures: flower deliveries, homemade gifts, shout outs to loved ones, etc. There were also more than a few posts (both positive and negative) about a movie that opened this weekend - Fifty Shades of Grey. Heard of it?

“I gasp, and I'm Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he's the serpent, and I cannot resist.” E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey

Wherever you stand on the Fifty Shades/S&M debate, I'm glad for one thing - There is a conversation happening about sex and the importance of ensuring safe, healthy sexual relationships.

Let me be clear. This blog post is NOT about consensual S&M. And its NOT about that devastatingly handsome Christian Grey (although the Student Affairs professional in me certainly felt a bit protective of Miss Steele). Instead, I want to talk about some real statistics on violence against women:

  • According to a report in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 28% of US female veterans reported sexual assault during their careers (Women's eNews, 3/30/03).
  • One in six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape (2004 National Crime Victimization Survey)
  • Nearly three in four family violence victims are female – 73%. (US Bureau of Justice, June 2005)
  • 1 in 3 women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime (fyi - that adds up to ONE BILLION women) 

Are you horrified yet? I am.

Last week Central Penn College students, faculty, and staff gathered to initiate a similar conversation at the College's second annual production of The Vagina Monologues.

Written by Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues shares the voices of a diverse group of females: a six-year-old girl, a sex worker, a rape survivor, a childbirth partner, and more. The monologues were the result of a series of interviews Ensler led about an often taboo topic – vaginas. Now these monologues are used to empower women, increase awareness about violence against women and girls, and raise funds to end that violence. 100% of the proceeds from our Central Penn College performance benefited YWCA Carlisle

Cast and Crew: Maria Rodriguez, Maria Thiaw, Laiken Binner, Christine Latchford, Megan Peterson, Anita Witmer, Naydia Bonner, Rebekah Nolt, Caitlin Copus, Teta Gaye, Carolyn Rodriguez, Daniel Blichasz, Jessica Grice, & Jaida May

So whether Christian Grey or a star-studded line up of college students starts the conversation, I'm glad we're talking! Because the statistics above have got to GO. In the words of Christian Grey, "Laters, Baby!" 

Here are a few things YOU can do right now to help: 

  • Know what consent is and isn't (hint - there are mutually agreed-upon boundaries and consent from all partners every time). 
  • Know the warning signs and reach out to loves ones who may be in an unsafe situation. 
  • Support events with the cause in mind. The Vagina Monologues are being performed all over the world - find a show near you!
  • Educate others about violence against women. Share this post and keep the conversation going.

V-Day Anti-Violence Resource Guide:  

If you or someone you know has experienced violence in the United States, call one of the the following numbers:
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
  • Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): (800) 656-HOPE
  • 24 Hour Confidential Rape Hotline. National Victim Center: 800-FYI-CALL (394-2255). Operating 8:30AM-5:30PM EST, the NVC hotline helps locate assistance in your community if you have been the victim of a violent crime.

#vday #onebillionrising #rise4revolution 

Monday, February 9, 2015

A Case of Whiplash

At the beginning of the year, I talked about my mantra. 2015 was going to be about, "finding my greatness." I wanted to push myself beyond good, beyond average.

But then it happened. And it was so easy to do...

Like 92% of New Year's resolution-makers who fail (most within the first week), I forgot about being great. I got busy, I lost focus, I forgot to push for MORE. I needed a reminder.

I got one. 

Over the weekend Shawn and I went to see a movie at Midtown Cinema called Whiplash. In the movie, a renowned music teacher uses extreme methods to help his students reach their potential. One of my fave quotes from the movie?

"There are no two words in the English language more harmful than good job." 

Now I know that is sounds absolutely crazy coming from me - I'm that person that thinks every kid should get a trophy, I don't like keeping score, and I LOVE to celebrate successes both big and small! But the quote kept coming back to me. 

First, let me be clear. I absolutely believe that positive reinforcement is so important. We SHOULD be handing out those trophies and celebrating our successes! However, it's also important to push ourselves to go further. How else will we know how good we really can be?

Regardless of your definition of greatness, unless you fail at achieving it repeatedly, you’ll never appreciate your accomplishments. Elite Daily

At every Central Penn College Open House, I would ask the audience to raise their hands if they believed they had POTENTIAL. And I wouldn't move on until every single hand was raised. Why? Because I wanted those students to know that we could see the greatness that was within them! Regardless of their class rank, their club involvement, or their GPAs, we knew they had the potential to be ROCK STARS at whatever goal they set for themselves.

Want to hear something AMAZING? 
WE ARE ALL ROCK STARS if challenge ourselves to be! You. Me. We all have that same untapped potential - the scope of which we can't even realize or imagine! 

I don't condone the methods of "encouragement" shown in the movie, but I do appreciate the message that we'll never reach our true potential if we allow ourselves to stop at "good job." Whiplash was just what I needed to remember my goals, my mantra, and my commitment to strive not just for status quo, but for greatness.

#whiplash #greatness #potential

Monday, February 2, 2015

Jodi Stuber Calls Me Out!

I'm not somebody that thinks about destiny and fate, but I don't walk away from it when something unfolds.  Angelina Jolie

Fate unfolded for me this week - in the form of Jodi Stuber

Jodi is one of those super cool gals that rides a motorcycle, runs marathons, practices yoga, and does a ton of great stuff for charities in the area. She even keeps a blog about her adventures, Tiny Thunder Running

This week she did something I wasn't expecting - she decided to tag me in her blog and ask me to join her in the prAna 30 Days of Yoga Challenge (A YOGA challenge??!! Let's just say balance and relaxation are NOT my strengths!). 

And of course, because she IS super cool, she has impeccable timing. It just so happens that this week is ALSO week 5 of the Lose It For Lou Gehrig's Wellness Challenge. And during week 5, we can earn bonus points if we step outside of our comfort zone and try something NEW. Well, a 30 day yoga challenge would certainly qualify! 

So here's what I have to do... 
  1. Complete the MadLib below. 
  2. Tag 2 other bloggers to join in the challenge (Rachel and Christina, since you are two of my fave bloggers, TAG - You're It!) 
  3. Join the Facebook Event and Group.
  4. Share a photo of something yoga related using the #taketheleap #sweatpink #prana hashtags and tagging @prana @FitApproach every day for 30 days (Feb. 2-March 8).
Well, here we go!! On to the MadLib!
When I think about yoga, the first thought that comes to mind is I NEED TO FIND MY YOGA MAT. Yoga IS PRETTY UNFAMILIAR TO (verb) me and makes me feel LIKE I HAVE A LOT TO LEARN IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS (noun). 
That’s why I am so NERVOUS & SUPER EXCITED (YES, AT THE SAME TIME) (adjective) to participate in prAna’s Take The Leap 30 days of Yoga Challenge with Sweat Pink. I plan to MOUNTAIN POSE (YES, I GOOGLED THAT) (yoga pose) my way to a more FOCUSED (adjective) and CENTERED (adjective) 2015! 
For me, the biggest challenge when it comes to yoga is BEING STILL. Taking the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink is a great way for me to face/ conquer / achieve / find REALIZE THAT PRODUCTIVITY AND HEALTH CAN BE FOUND IN STILLNESS AND CALM
My favorite place to yoga is TO BE DETERMINED (noun) because it is so NEW TO ME (adj). 
Here’s a photo of me FINDING MY YOGA MAT
I tag Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media and Christina Wood of 20/30 Enterprises.  
I want these fabulous bloggers to share their very best yoga pose photos, this fun madlib and of course, I challenge them to join me on this fun 30 day yoga journey. Come on y’all, Take the Leap with me! 
Join prAna’s & Sweat Pink’s #TakeTheLeap 30 Days of Yoga Challenge and be eligible for a chance to win $500 worth of new prAna gear from their latest collection as well as gift an additional $500 worth of prAna gear to the person of their choice... because isn’t giving as important as receiving? They just launched their new Spring Collection so you best get on it! 
Join the Take the Leap with prAna and Sweat Pink Facebook group / event which we’ll use for updates, sharing,and inspiration: event page: 
And join the challenge on Instagram, Twitter, and your blog using the hashtags:
And of course, tag @prana @FitApproach 
Want to play? Just copy/paste the above and fill in the blanks where I have bolded & italicized and make it your own. Or use this link for the template!

Let's see how this goes! If you happen to be a yogi and can give me some beginners tips, feel free to post them in the comments below!