A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-Tzu
Inch by inch, it's a cinch. Yard by yard, it's hard. Mary Kay Ash
That first, single step just may be the hardest.
Two weeks ago (after being inspired by blogger and social media guru Rachel Strella) I announced on Facebook that I would be starting a blog. I wanted to be a writer again, to authentically share my story and experiences, and to (hopefully) leave you with something worthwhile.
But although I was motivated to take the first step, it took me much longer than I had intended to get started. And in all honesty, had I not made my overly enthusiastic Facebook post (and been tagged by the awesome Ms. Strella on Twitter), I would be standing in exactly the same place I was two weeks ago. I absolutely would have backed out!
Why? Not because my goals were no longer valid, but because it's so darn hard to take the first step... especially when starting something new!
But where do I want to be a year from now? Do I want to be in exactly the same place? No - I want to continue to learn, to grow, to improve. And to do that, I need to get moving. So here it is... my first big, difficult, scary step away from the status quo toward something new.
Thank you for accompanying me on the journey.
What have you been waiting to start? Take that first step and tell me about it!